Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mercy & The Passion


  1. Divine Mercy proceeds from the Passion of Jesus. We ask the Father to grant Divine Mercy by offering Him the merits of the Passion of His Son. When we contemplate this thought and pray this prayer; souls are saved. This is very real. Share your thoughts on the Divine Mercy and Passion of Jesus and the concept of saving souls. Have you applied this gift from God in your life for the sake of others?

  2. The Ascension of the Lord God after 40 days of His Resurrection today means that we as His Children being saved our sins be gladden of our whole life however, having said this we offer our thanksgiving not to sin anymore. Say theHoly Rosary daily, be patient to our fellow men, attend Holy Mass often, give alm to the Mother Church, respect the Prsence of the Jesus in the Tabernacle recieve Holy Communion, and so on.

    MaY God bless us All.

    Deacon Ludano
    Missionary of the Blessed Sacrament

  3. May the blood of Jesus, the lamb of God wash over us all and especially the Church. Keep us free from the evils that have enveloped her in the past and may those who have been harmed by the secrets and shame we feel be washed clean. We don't understand why this happened but we trust in your mercy Jesus!

  4. We trust in your Divinc Mercy Lord now and forever.

    Deacon Ludano say's deep in my heart and soul, with my bended knees at Thy high altar with exposed of Thy Sacred Body and Blood I ask forgiveness of the sins my brethern committed, protect us comitting sin again with Thy help of a perfect confession with the aid of thy Blessed Mother Mary.


    Jesus Mary and Joseph

  5. We bessech your Lord God with your Divine Mercy bring us all the true meaning of your Passion on the Cross, thus we make promise to your Sacred Heart to be obedient your Holy Coommandment

    May 200X could bring us peace and tranquility in our lives.


    J.M J.

    Deacon Ludano
    Adorer of the Blessed Sacrament (P.E.A)'70

  6. We make promise to Thy Sacred Heart an amendment through reparation of our past life so that when we approach the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle Jesus Christ washes on by His precious Blood now and forever.



    Deacon Ludano Daniel
    adorer of the Blessed Sacrament

  7. Hello!

    Your blog hasn't been active since its inception in April 2009. Do you have plans to jumpstart it in 2010? I have recently enrolled in the Confraternity of the Passion and my blog is devoted to Passionist themes:

    Please stop by!

    In the hearts of Jesus and Mary,



Divine Mercy proceeds from the Passion of Jesus.